Daily Archives: December 8, 2012


Dark and Stormy NightAnd, indeed, it was dark and stormy.  It was raining quite hard.  But I had to go out.  I had to!

No, I didn’t want to go out to go.  I wanted to go out to play!  Dad realized that (sometimes he can be a very smart dad) and he came out into the rain with me.  I grabbed one of my sticks and ran, and he chased me, and grabbed the stick, and we played tug-a-stick.

In the dark.

In the rain.

I tugged, and he pulled.  He pulled, and I tugged.  Then I tugged soooo hard that I pulled that stick right out of his hand!


Except that my backwards momentum … and the slippery concrete … made me fall backwards.

Backwards, into the swimming pool!

I was shocked, and dad was laughing.  He pulled me out and I shook myself off … all over him! (That’ll teach him to laugh at me!)  I was all wet, and so was he, but who cared?  Remember, we were outside in the rain!

Post Christmas 2011 001So we came inside, all wet, much to mom’s dismay.  I think that she wanted to send us back outside!!

But I lay down, and rested, and dried off.  It was an exciting evening, one that had lots of play, and fun, and a surprise as well.

I can’t wait for the next time it rains!  Maybe dad will fall into the pool!  Then I will laugh at him!